Automation of Inputs in Audits In both Audit and Client Accounting services, the automation of inputs in key factor for...
Blockchain and its Potential Blockchain is at the height of the Hype cycle. Listen to Erik Asgeirsson and Dan Hood’s...
Technologies to Pay Attention to Erik Asgerisson and Dan Hood discuss what technologies the profession so be paying...
Putting the Skills in Place to Lead Change Management Erik Asgeirsson and Dan Hood discuss the importance of change management in firms, as well...
A Glimpse Into DCPA16 Every year, the Digital CPA Community gathers to learn alongside one another. Watch the...
Taking the Lead at the Digital CPA Conference in Las… The DCPA16 Conference is designed to facilitate collaboration and develop skills and...
AICPA/ Executive Roundtable Fostering… This event allows and the AICPA the opportunity to collaborate with our...
Client Accounting Services Leading Firm Technology… Client Accounting Services using technology at the forefront of their practice...
Specializing in the World of Automation Amy Radin and Erik Asgeirsson highlight how the broad access to technology and data help...
Growing and Stretching the Digital Muscle Digital and technology are a part of everybody’s job, and in order to stay current we must...
Incremental Innovation Amy Radin shares, over 90 percent of the value created from innovation is derived from...
The "How" to Grow a Market Segment Gale Crosley, CPA, shares tips on how to find early adopters to build a profitable market...