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The Evolution of Advisory Services to CAS 2.0™ and Kim Blascoe from CPA to Firm Mentor and Coach

During this early morning conversation over coffee, Kim and Kalil start with a light hearted chat about Kim’s evolution from public accounting in both small and large firms to eventually becoming a Client Advisory Services (CAS) practice mentor and coach. It soon becomes clear from their conversation that Kim’s extensive experience in CAS, and personal evolution over the decades, actually closely mirrors the evolution of CAS practices and the profession itself. Some could say Kim is the face of the CAS profession. Grounded in wisdom and deep experience Kim provides us with a unique peak into what’s coming next for CAS practices.

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Strategy & Leadership when the Pace of Change is Exponential

Pascal Finette is a heretic, a futurist, a visionary, an author, a disruptor and also co-founder and CEO of be radical. While not an accountant himself he is well known in the profession for helping firms discover today what matters tomorrow and transform for a future that is already unfolding before us. Join Kalil, Kacee and Pascal discussing what it means to be a leader during times of exponential change and disruption.

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Accounting and Advisory Firms Need a Transformation Champion - Lindsay Stevenson

"Holy Cats" it's exciting to be launching the Digital CPA Podcast with Lindsay Stevenson, Chair of the Advisory Board for the DCPA conference and Chief Transformation Officer for BPM LLP, '...not the biggest and not the smallest accounting and advisory firm in the world.'

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Blockchain Miniseries #3 - “Cryptos, DeFi and NFTs: Accounting for Intangibles.”

The disruption is the moment a client knocks on the door... (Your) answer CAN'T be "I don't know what to do!"

Concluding this 3-part blockchain special, CPA.com's Senior Director (Strategy and Innovation) Kacee Johnson talks to returning guest Ron Quaranta, Chairman of the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA). They explore some of the most recent developments in blockchain and look ahead at what’s to come. Blockchain is one of the many emerging technology trends that have the potential to disrupt the accounting and finance role. This 3-part mini-series explores some of the latest advances with leading subject matter experts, specially recorded in the run-up to our annual Blockchain Symposium.


Ron Quaranta is the Founder and Chairman of the Wall Street Blockchain Alliance


Kacee Johnson is a Senior Director for Strategy and Innovation at CPA.com.


Here are links to AICPA and other guidance and other explanatory content on the topics discussed in this episode:

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Blockchain Miniseries #2 - “Bitcoin is booming and so are the taxes.”

"Globally, cryptocurrency transactions is a new booming area and a lot of countries are shifting their attention ... to capture that revenue"

CPA.com's Senior Director (Strategy and Innovation) Kacee Johnson talks to Amy Miller, Senior Manager for Tax Policy and Advocacy at AICPA & CIMA. They explore the most recent advancements in regulatory changes as it relates to cryptocurrency, and how new tax provisions impact accounting firms. Blockchain is one of the many emerging technology trends that have the potential to disrupt the accounting and finance role. This 3-part mini-series explores some of the latest advances with leading subject matter experts, specially recorded in the run-up to our annual Blockchain Symposium.


Amy Wang Miller is a member of the American Institute of CPA's (AICPA) Tax Policy & Advocacy Team.


Kacee Johnson is a Senior Director for Strategy and Innovation at CPA.com.



These are just some of the topics discussed in this episode.

  • Bitcoin recently hit an all-time high of over $61k
  • What is going on right now to cause the surge?
  • How to talk about volatility.
  • What are regulators in the US as well as abroad doing to account for this?
  • What is the driving force behind what's made crypto so complex today?

Here are links to AICPA and other guidance and other explanatory content on the topics discussed in this episode:

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Social. Use #GoBeyondDisruption, @AICPANews or @CIMA_News.

About Our Podcast. These conversations with expert guests are recorded by different members of the AICPA & CIMA team from our offices around the world. While the sound quality may vary, we hope that the insights will be consistently useful.

Get in touch. How did you discover our podcast? Where do you listen? What would you like to hear more of? Finance pro or not, we're keen to know what you think. Email us here.

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Blockchain Miniseries #1 - The Highs and Lows of Crypto Tax

"Bitcoin is the 'Kleenex' of cryptocurrency - the one that people hear about on the news - but it's just a gateway."Blockchain is one of the many emerging technology trends that have the potential to disrupt the accounting and finance role. We explore some of the latest advancements in this three-part series with leading subject matter experts. Part 1 outlines the complexities and best practices of crypto asset management. In the run-up to our annual Blockchain Symposium, CPA.com's Senior Director of Strategy and Innovation, Kacee Johnson talks to Lukka CEO Robert Materazzi.


Robert Materazzi is CEO of Lukka


Kacee Johnson is a Senior Director for Strategy and Innovation at CPA.com



These are just some of the topics discussed in this episode.

  • Bitcoin recently hit an all-time high of over $61k
  • What is going on right now to cause the surge?
  • How to talk about volatility.
  • What are regulators in the US as well as abroad doing to account for this?
  • What is the driving force behind what's made crypto so complex today?

Here are links to AICPA and other guidance and other explanatory content on the topics discussed in this episode:

Share. Know someone who should hear this podcast? Click on these links to automatically share this episode with colleagues and friends. Recommend it to your LinkedIn connections, send to Twitter, auto-share on your Facebook page, or simply tell someone via email.

Social. Use #GoBeyondDisruption, @AICPANews or @CIMA_News.

About Our Podcast. These conversations with expert guests are recorded by different members of the AICPA & CIMA team from our offices around the world. While the sound quality may vary, we hope that the insights will be consistently useful.Get in touch. How did you discover our podcast? Where do you listen? What would you like to hear more of? Finance pro or not, we're keen to know what you think. Email us here.

Get in touch. How did you discover our podcast? Where do you listen? What would you like to hear more of? Finance pro or not, we're keen to know what you think. Email us here.