Power your transformation
OnPoint A&A Suite

The OnPoint A&A Suite is an online suite of products built on the CaseWare Cloud platform designed to fuel and empower transformation of A&A services. The suite brings together a set of unique applications that drive efficiency, quality and value for firms and their clients. CaseWare Cloud equips firms with a leading-edge platform that revolutionizes how firms provide A&A services, all while offering a secure ecosystem to support visibility, collaboration and workflow.
See how the OnPoint A&A Suite provides a strong technology foundation to standardize your A&A work
Core applications of the suite include:
End to End Preparation, Compilation and Review Engagements. LEARN MORE
Efficient, high quality employee benefit plan audits. LEARN MORE
A comprehensive cloud-based approach to auditing. LEARN MORE
OnPoint A&A Suite

Cloud Platform Features
Throughout all OnPoint A&A Suite applications built on the CaseWare Cloud platform, firms gain access to extensive functionality that keep engagements running efficiently and effectively, including:
- Engagement status and tracking transparency for team members and clients
- Online, secure chat to facilitate team and client communications
- Standardized, predefined and customizable engagement templates to ensure a consistent approach across your firm
- A single source of data that helps eliminate version control issues
- Linked methodology to eliminate redundant steps and procedures
- Robust security and reliability that leverages a holistic approach toward protecting your firm
Elevate the efficiency, quality and value of your services

Building a future ready firm
The accounting landscape is changing rapidly and one word—complexity—defines both the greatest challenge and opportunity for CPAs. To keep pace with client expectations, firms are rethinking their strategies for practice management, client services and talent development.
CPA.com is your primary source for taking the complexity out of moving your firm into the digital arena – enabling you to focus on growing your business with the smartest solutions in our profession.
To learn more about CPA.com, please contact our team at inquire@hq.cpa.com or by calling 1.855.855.5CPA.