Matthew West
Senior Account Executive, CPA.com
Dexter, MI
Matthew functions as a strategic advisor for advancing technologies to the accounting profession. He is driven by his passion for understanding disruptive technologies and how to best help accounting firms position themselves in emerging opportunities. His main goal is to evangelize and help advance the profession in the new digital world.
Prior to CPA.com, Matthew consulted with accounting firms on innovative practices and industry leading software. He was recognized with the Thomson Reuters President Club award 7 times. Currently, Matthew holds the record for most software sales and was awarded the Director’s ACE award for excellence in his field.
Matthew has a Master’s Degree in Communication from Eastern Michigan University. He served as a sighted guide for Blind Professional Triathlete and Olympian Aaron Scheidies. In his free time, he is an avid pilot, races in triathlons & enjoys water sports.