
Matters for Consideration: A CPA Firm Quality and Risk Wellness Plan Discussion
In this podcast we dive into some key matters for consideration (MFC) for assurance firms and discuss how firms can use that information to build a plan to up their quality (while better managing risk). CPA.com’s Matt Towers digs into how to build a “Quality and Risk Wellness Plan” with his guests, Richard Hill, a peer reviewer for over 25 years and the managing partner at Mitchell Emert & Hill, P.C. in Knoxville, Tennessee, Kristy Illuzzi, Senior Technical Manager and staff liaison to the AICPA’s Technical Issues Committee, and Mike Glynn, Senior Manager with the Audit & Attest Standards team at the AICPA.
Data collected during peer reviews is ideal to identify trouble spots and opportunities for improvement, so we’ll speak with those who know it best and dive into the consequences of not having a strong plan, including some interesting data around where firms are struggling (e.g. reporting, proper engagement letters, documenting review procedures and analytical procedures and inquiries, etc.). We will also dig into what the core requirements of a solid firm quality wellness plan look like, along with suggestions for how a firm can begin executing on this type plan.
- Richard Hill, Managing Partner, Mitchell Emert & Hill, P.C.
- Kristy Illuzzi, Senior Technical Manager and Staff Liaison to the AICPA’s Technical Issues Committee (TIC)
- Michael Glynn, Senior Manager, AICPA Audit & Attest Standards Team
Matt Towers, Product Lead – Assurance, CPA.com
- What matters come up when auditors review their peers?
- Importance of building a firm quality wellness plan
- What firms can do to begin creating and executing against a plan right now