Success Story

How one firm went from accounting hindsight to advisory foresight in 2 months
Why would any firm choose to move 200 clients to a new financial planning & analysis system in the middle of their busy season? Only because they’re sure it will help them deliver a much higher level of service to their clients.
That’s why recently implemented Jirav, a leading advanced all-in-one financial planning and analysis solution, across its entire client base.
Today, firm professionals are capitalizing on the extra time they have, thanks to Jirav’s automated reports and KPI dashboards, to focus on higher-value services for clients. In fact, the firm has already converted 20 of its clients to Jirav’s more advanced budgeting and forecasting services.
If your firm is looking for ways to scale up its outsourced accounting capabilities to serve more clients at a higher level and deliver even more business insight, be sure to read this case study.