Top-level domains are on the rise. Here’s why CPAs should pay attention.

You probably don’t think much about your firm’s top-level domain. In fact, “top-level domain” may not even be a term you’re familiar with. But you use them every day – .com, .edu, .gov.… these are the most common examples, which have been around since the popular emergence of the internet in the 1990’s.

In the last decade, new TLDs have become commonplace, with more than 1,200 of them entering cyberspace. TLD’s including .ai, .io, .xyz and even Google’s .new are increasingly being used by individuals and businesses. Yet, despite innovation in the TLD space, most CPA firms haven’t upgraded their domain and are still using a .com address. As a result, many firms are stuck with long, confusing web addresses that are difficult for clients to remember and look strange in marketing materials and client communications.

Meanwhile, cybersquatters and other online fraudsters and criminals have found new ways to exploit the weaknesses of old-school TLDs. If you’ve ever bought a ticket online to a concert or event from a website that looked like a trusted site, mimicking the domain name, layout, and design of a legitimate ticket seller, but turned out to be an online scalper, you’ve experienced just one of the many ways in which fraudsters are increasingly using sophisticated TLD-based strategies to their advantage.

This is a common example, but digital criminals have made inroads into virtually every industry – and accounting firms are no exception. In fact, they’re a prime target given their access to the intimate details of their clients’ finances.

This is just one of the many reasons that the roster of TLDs is finally being expanded in a thoughtful, measured, strategic manner. Many industries are recognizing the need to service professionals with a dedicated TLD. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) acquired .realtors, for example. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) is using .pharmacy. And now the AICPA and have secured .cpa in a similar move to protect and promote the reputation of certified public accountants.

Should you or your firm move to a .cpa address? We think so – and now is a good time to act. Here are a few of the top reasons thousands of firms have already made the move to a .cpa domain.

Enhance their brand
With TLDs, firms can secure the unique domain that best suits their brand, rather than settling for whatever remaining .com addresses are available – just ask Ryan King, CPA, partner at Michigan-based King & King. His firm was able to shorten their domain by securing, and they rebuilt their brand around the new URL. Firms have also secured domains to promote industry niches, practice areas, and even geographical locations. A sampling of these domains include:,,, and, among many others.

Promote trust and security with clients
The .cpa domain tells the world your firm is licensed and approved – unlike a .com domain, .cpa domains are not available to anyone with a credit card. As a result, existing and new clients can feel secure working with you and sharing sensitive data. This level of trust will only grow as TLDs become more widespread across industries.

Demonstrate they’re digitally progressive
In today’s virtual world, a firm’s website might be their only visible ‘doorfront’. Having a .cpa domain signals to clients that you’re keeping stride with new technologies and changing times. Plus, wouldn’t you want your ‘doorfront’ to be as modern and progressive as your competitor’s?

It’s easy to secure your desired .cpa domain right now – or just explore the possibilities. Visit for more details, as well as resources and video interviews with leaders at firms who have already made the switch. We also invite you to watch our free webcast to hear best practices on branding, marketing and search engine optimization from two firms that have already secured their .cpa domains.

A Closer Look at Our Startup Accelerator Companies

The of International Certified Professional Accountants Startup Accelerator is an annual program that finds, invests in, and guides early-stage tech companies with solutions that support accounting and finance professionals. This blog series provides a deeper look at the five companies in the 2021 cohort.